Randalls/Vons Coupon Matchups and Deals
Here are your Randalls/Vons Coupon Matchups and Deals for the week of 8/3 . If you are new to shopping at Randalls/Vons, you can view the Randalls Coupon Policy here.
Almond Breeze Beverage – $2.49 (Limit 3)
-Use $0.50/1 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze
Final Price = $1.49
Pledge or Soft Scrub – $2.99 (Limit 4)
-Use $1.50/1 Soft Scrub Products (RP 8/7)
Final Price = $1.49
Kellogg’s Cereals – $2
-Use $0.70/1 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Gluten Free
-Use $1/3 Kellogg’s Cereal (RP 7/24) OR
–Use $1/2 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
Final Price = As low as $1.30
Fage Greek Yogurt (6oz) – $1
-Use $2/2 Fage Total Yogurt
Final Price = 2 Free
Smart Ones Entrees – $2
Use $3/10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones Products
Final Price = As low as 5 for $7 ($1.40 each)
Click here to see this week’s Randalls/Vons Coupon Matchups